You’re Innocent When You Dream
You look so innocent when you dream,
with the pale yellows and baby blues
swirling and caressing the curves of your head,
your neck,
your shoulders,
your hips,
gently comforting your busy mind.
Cool pillow absorbing your thoughts
and maybe your tears.
Your eyes flicker, your lips part,
roll over and your breathing slows.
Nothing can touch you.
Nothing can harm you.
You’re innocent when you dream.

Flowers – By Remizov, Alexei Mikhailovich / A. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts / Culture Images / Universal Images Group / Rights Managed / For Education Products Only
Stress Flowers
Eyes closed.
Deep breaths.
Drag and curve and dip.
Twisting grey lines
folding in on each other,
whispering across the page.
Their gentle pitter-patter
tickles your ears,
your hand gracefully guiding,
forming beauty only chaos
can grow.
Melissa Mason is an English major with a focus in Creative Writing and an Art minor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She hopes to be anovelist one day, though she also enjoys writing short stories and poetry.
Photo credit: Flowers. Fine Art. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 24 Jan 2017.