Unlike clunky, lumbering Western mechs, Japanese mechs were anthropomorphic and highly mobile entities. They espoused recognizable classes of people — snipers, soldiers, knights, etc. — including symbols of Japanese culture such as the samurai.
The door that closes and completes the home creates a sort of polarity: The first side of this polarity is the prison: the home may lock in, keep, and hold. The second, and the one most discussed here, is the virgin: the home is able to lock out and remain unpolluted.
Aiming his camera carefully, a little boy photographed the world’s last tiger.
It was the middle of August, when Catholics remember the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven, at the end of her mortal life. For the occasion, Tía Meropia brought presents—a gift certificate for ice cream, and a VHS copy of the movie Mary Poppins. On the video cover, Mary Poppins and Bert the Chimney Sweep danced around with a flock of bow-tied penguins.
You were in the bread aisle that morning stocking loaves of Wonderbread. I was startled that your hair was pink. I don’t know why that startled me, especially since mine was blue, but it did.
I’m the worst speller at school. We are tested every week, and I’ve started cheating. I write the words out on a small piece of paper and keep it in my desk.
What she doesn’t expect is for the Egyptian prince Amon to awaken, handsome and shirtless, and inform her that he needs to borrow her life force until he can find his brothers.
Murphy’s story begins four years ago during what she describes as a “mid-afternoon romp” with her husband, David, during which she discovered a lump in her breast.
I realize this is basically asking “Why aren’t there more stories about me?” but, seriously, there is no shortage of … high school stories and, lately, just as many on that later-twenty-something part of life when you really should have your shit together but need all your adult friends and siblings to show you the light and guide you into a happy medium of staying true to yourself while also becoming a somewhat respectable member of society.
By running a statistical analysis of the self-similarity of Pollock’s works, the researchers found in them a pattern similar to a fractal.
In the December of my eighteenth year, my best friend and confidant, partner in poetry, art, and sometimes romance, committed suicide.
I suffered from intractable Epilepsy, and typically had 200 seizures a day. I would fall down on the floor, crawl, scream, and end up injuring myself in all sorts of ways.
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Jun 7, 2016
Summer 2016
Kelcy Williams
1 Comment
Jun 7, 2016
Summer 2016
Kelcy Williams
1 Comment
Jun 7, 2016
Summer 2016
Kelcy Williams
1 Comment
Jun 7, 2016
Summer 2016
Kelcy Williams
1 Comment
For example, if you were to say “Do you want to come over to watch Netflix and just chill? ;),” this might mean you are going to watch a movie and relax; however, if you are talking to a potential date these words, along with the winking emoticon, could mean something quite different.
Jun 7, 2016
Summer 2016
Kelcy Williams
1 Comment
Jun 7, 2016
Summer 2016
Kelcy Williams
1 Comment